Friday, August 14, 2009

Gulp. Massive Rally In St. Louis In Support Of ObamaCare.

Thousands.....Wait, I Mean Hundred....Dozens....I Mean One's Of People Showed Up To An ACORN Rally In Support ObamaCare Today In St Louis. This Massive Rally Began At Noon Today. These Pictures And Video Were Taken At Around 1 pm. So I Guess It Was In Full Swing At That Point.

Wow! I Had No Idea The Administration Had This Much Support.


  1. Funy Stuff Sharp...Funny Stuff

  2. That is truly horrifying. I guess we should just wave the white flag now, eh?

  3. Let's see....I see a sign that says insurance profits are "bad for my health" right next to a BBQ grill which is,no doubt,cooking the very kind of food liberals are telling us is "bad for my health". I'll not get into the smoke adding to the carbon footprint. That would be picky.

  4. Was that an acorn hiding in those trees?

    I know; they knew us right wing extremist, nazi terroist would be there.

  5. The handwritten sign caught my attention. "Jerk" ... "Chicken"

    I take it that supporters were supposed to form two lines?

  6. I'm With You, But What's With The Capitalization?

  7. We don't need to get smug and under estimate the power of "Acorn". We will never, never quit. We will never quit saying "no" to liberals, socialists and tyranny no matter how they define, and redefine themselves.
