Wednesday, August 31, 2011

George W Bush Recollects Ground Zero Visit-Bull Horn Moment.

There Was A Palpable Blood Lust

HT-Hot Air

Skid Row Front Man Loses Home to Hurricane Irene.

Sebastian Bach recounts the destruction of his home and other valuables including one of a kind KISS artifacts.

Ht- Howard 100 News

Friday, August 26, 2011

One Reason Why I Carry a Video Camera at ALL TIMES.

Not only can you use it to take out political hacks, you may catch a bit of nature on video. Even if it is nature in the middle of the street.

Society is Officially Over - Psychiatrists Advocate Change to Pedophilia Definition.

"Stigmatizing and stereotyping minor-attracted people inflames the fears of minor-attracted people"

HT Breitbart

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Witness The World Change in Real Time - Howard Stern's Historic 9-11 Broadcast Full & Un-Cut

It starts off as a normal day. Howard is regaling the crew with tales of Pam Anderson when the news breaks.
Because The Stern Show was not a news organization, they were able to say what the networks were not. This was war.
Howard had eye witnesses on the phone with in seconds and most importantly they were able to act as an information funnel bringing reports and vital info from all of the news networks directly to the streets of NY.
Listen to the roller coaster of emotions as events unfold in real time on the air. It will bring you back to that day, you will be angry again.
The following is what I believe to be the single greatest broadcast record of 9-11:

Video - Rubio Rescues Reagan.

Video: Marco Rubio breaks Nancy Reagan's fall:

Friday, August 19, 2011

West Memphis Three Set Free After 18 Years.

from ABC The 18-year ordeal of the so-called West Memphis Three ended today in an Arkansas courtroom after a judge accepted a plea to set them free.

The three men will be allowed to maintain their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors have the evidence to convict them, according to the Associated Press.

18 years for wearing a MetallicA shirt, damn.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Breitbart in St Louis (The REAL Ambush Interview)

Much has been made of local trolls ambushing Andrew Breitbart during his recent St. Louis trip. While Andrew's handling of that situation was stellar, let's see what happens when he has to face the really tough questions.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Let's Meet a Democrat "Tracker"

Saturday in St. Louis, Move On Up, an organization of Black Conservatives, held their banquet dinner at Crown Plaza hotel. Among the speakers were Andrew Breitbart, Star Parker and Missouri Lt Governor Peter Kinder.
About 1/2 way through the evening as myself and several fellow bloggers sat outside the banquet room in a makeshift blogger's lounge, we were approached.
A twenty something man in a suit inquired about Peter Kinder, if he had spoken, if so, who had video ect ect...
Someone then asked him "Who are you with" He replied "The Democrat Party". That's when I pulled out my camera.

This guy shows up late, misses his target, attempts to piggyback off of others work, blows his cover completely and runs home with nothing except his tail between his legs.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

VIDEO- Leftist Protesters Attack Female Blogger Ann Althouse in Wisconsin.

Ann Althouse: In the middle of the screen, at 3:38, in the red "fist" T-shirt and holding a heart-shaped balloon, is the man who pointed me out in the rotunda yesterday and who (apparently) participated in the comments yesterday under the pseudonym "Dirty Hippie." He talks to the attacker just before the attacker yells "You're socially retarded" and attacks me. The attack is at 3:58, off camera. Meade yells "hey" a few times and gets the incident framed. At 4:00, you see Chris detaching that man's hands from me. At 4:04, I yell "police" and the 2 men mock me, yelling "police!" in their girlie voice. At 7:12, the talkative guy tells the police what "transpired." He clearly states that the other man grabbed my camera (and portrays himself as the peacemaker).

Another attempt by lefties to violently edit video.
Here's another angle.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sick - Axelrod Exploits Navy SEAL Deaths For Political Points.

No low is too low for this crew. There is no bottom.

Honor the SEALS by falling in lockstep with Obama into quasi-socialism? Yeah, I'm sure they would have wanted it that way.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

OH SNAP! Small Businesswoman UNLOADS on Obama!

WOW. Amilya Antonetti 2012!

Regular readers of this blog know I love to do a good mash up when something inspires me so here ya go-

HT- Breitbart TV

Good News - "We're Pretty Darn F*cked!"

via Gateway Pundit-
Former Obama economic adviser Christina Romer got a chuckle out of the news yesterday that the US credit rating was downgraded for the first time in over a century. She told Bill Maher, “We’re f*cked.” Then they laughed.

Tim Geithner swears like a 7th grade boy? Makes sense, he manages the Treasury like one too.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

St. Louis TEA Party Condemns Anti-Constitution Tea-O-Phobe Bigots.


It was revealed Monday by Politico that Vice-President Joe Biden, U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle, and other lawmakers referred to the tea party as “terrorists” during a heated discussion on the debt ceiling debate. From Politico:

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

“We have negotiated with terrorists, ” an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists.”

The St. Louis Tea Party condemns the comparison of private citizens who desire fiscal restraint in Washington to murderous terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans world-wide.

“It’s reprehensible to me that our Vice-President and other elected leaders would make such a grotesque analogy when in just over a month we will mark the tenth anniversary of the worst attack on American soil,” remarks Dana Loesch, Co-Founder of the St. Louis Tea Party.

“It’s an insult to Americans and the Democratic process to refer to dissenting Americans in such a way,” says Bill Hennessy, St. Louis Tea Party Co-Founder. “Are our elected leaders so out of touch with what terrorism actually is that they are willing to defame, by way of analogy, a vast group of people? We have members who lost friends to terrorists in the 9/11 attacks. We do not have any members who have lost friends due to peaceful protest.”

“It is tone-deaf and offensive,” says Jennifer Ennenbach, media liaison of the St. Louis Tea Party. Other grassroots activists have expressed equal dismay at having their peaceful efforts to raise awareness of government excess compared to the likes of jihadis.

The St. Louis Tea Party asks that Vice-President Biden, Rep. Doyle, and other lawmakers who have defamed grassroots activists by calling them “terrorists,” “hostage takers,” and other pejoratives to apologize for their careless remarks. The St. Louis Tea Party also extends to Vice-President Biden an invitation to meet with them and other grassroots groups so he can see how peaceful dissent is a cornerstone of, not a threat to, our Republic.

Monday, August 1, 2011

16 Questions With Andrew Breitbart

Breitbart was unable to avoid having to face the tough questions this weekend at Smart Girl Summit 2011.
I also asked most of these same questions to Herman Cain.
Or you can see an epic montage from SGS 2011 here.

14 Questions with Herman Cain.

Herman Cain faces rapid fire questioning at Smart Girl Summit 2011.