Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Romney Wins Florida

Monday, January 30, 2012

Allen West Takes a FlameThrower to Obama and The DNC. "Florida Aint on the Table"

It's Official. I've Got a Man Crush on Allen West.

Uncovered 2009 Audio Proves Gingrich Lied - Praised-Advocated ObamaCare Mandate.

In last Thursday's debate in Jacksonville, FL Newt Gingrich specifically denied ever advocating for an individual mandate for health insurance on a federal level: "I didn't advocate federal mandates. I talked about it at a state level, finding a way -- which included an escape clause that people didn't have to buy it -- finding a way to try to have people have insurance, particularly for wealthy people who are simply free-riding on local hospitals."

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Newt Dandy

Newt Dandy is on the spot with whatever you wanna hear when you wanna hear it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Romney Explains Capitalism to Newt and Others Who Don't Seem to Get It.

This is something he should have to explain to a group of liberals, not the GOP presidential field.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Howard Stern and Dave Navarro Defend "UrineGate" Marines

Howard discussed the Marine "Pissing Scandal" with Jane's Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro on Tuesday.

Content Warning!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Glaringly Obvious Media Bias Award Goes To - Soledad O’Brien!

CNN host Soledad O’Brien ambushed The Obamas author Jodi Kantor today. O'Brien cut her guest off several times as well as intentionally talking over Kantor.

The CNN anchor at one point even attempted to falsely attribute racially biased comments to the author.

Be prepared, it's a jaw dropper.

Best Video of 2012 So Far - “Daily Show” Destroys Liberal Columnist Over “Civility” Hypocrisy

HT AllahPundit

Thursday, January 12, 2012

AND? US Investigates Video Of Marines Allegedy Urinating On Taliban Corpses.

Oh, I'm sorry am I supposed to give a sh*t?

Aren't these the same animals cut the heads off of live hostages?

Nancy Grace Goes Nuclear - Throws Van Der Sloot Friend Off The Air.

Grace cut the mic of Joran van der Sloot’s friend, John Ludwick, after he blamed Sloot’s victim for her murder.

Ludwick- "He obviously murdered her, I'm not saying it wasn't provoked."

Grace- "She said "Are you the one that people believe killed Natalie?" how did that provoke him into murder?"

Ludwick- "It enraged him obviously. So, She shouldn't have done that"

HT The Blaze

Despite Crystal Clear Numbers Palin Questions Romney's Job Creation.

Let's see Governor Palin, according to Factcheck.Org:
"these three examples alone created over 100,000 jobs: Staples, which had 89,000 employees as of Dec. 31, 2010; The Sports Authority, which had 15,000 employees as of July 2011; and Domino’s, which has added 7,900 jobs since 1999."
"According to employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment under Romney’s governorship went from 3,224,600 to 3,270,400. That’s an additional 45,800 jobs. And under Obama, despite recent gains, the nation as a whole still has 1.7 million fewer jobs than it did the month he took office."

Hell, The Weather Channel (a Bain company) is actually Hiring!

So, what were you saying Sarah?


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Crispy Haired DNC Chair Smears Tea Party Over Gifford's Shooting.

We know that Gifford's shooter was in fact a Bush hater who loved the Communist Manifesto. Wasserman Schultz knows this but chooses to lie.

Meanwhile the DNC and Obama approved #OccupyWallStreet has racked up a double digit body count and countless rape and assault victims.

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the world's biggest hypocrite.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Conan Sketch Hits Obama on Defense Cuts.

"Active Duty from Home"

HT - Big Peace

Obama Nominee Gets Nailed To a Freeking Wall While Defending Obama's Budget.

I'm 34 years old. Young people today are smart and capable. That being said this clip suggests maybe we oughta raise the minimum age for certain major offices.

The country is being run by children! GOD help us.

HT Breitbart TV

Bill O'Reilly Defends Gateway Pundit From Bogus Racism Charges By LA Times

Monday, Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg Defended my good friend Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit from the LA Times' bullsh*t racism charge.

“It’s not racism, it’s elitism… When they do this over and over again, crying wolf about racism, nobody’s going to pay them any attention.”

Friday, January 6, 2012

The LA Times Projects It's Own Racism onto Gateway Pundit.

The Los Angeles Times attacked Gateway Pundit Thursday for reposting a picture of Michelle Obama as a pompous queen picking her next upscale vacation getaway.

Maybe LA Time reporter Christopher Knight should hop on a shrink's couch and take a look inward. If Knight thinks this photo is racist, that's in his head.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

WTF Iowa?

Iowa Vote Count Typo? Santorum May Have Won.

ht Breitbart TV

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Ticket?

Romney and Santorum finished 1st and 2nd respectively in a photo finish at the Iowa caucuses yesterday.

Romney/Santorum 12'?