Thursday, October 15, 2009

Booted By Biden.

Vice President Biden was in St. Louis on Thursday to take credit for the Smashing success of the stimulus package. %9.8 unemployment is worth bragging about. Especially when we spent $800 Billion to get there. I'd be bragging too!

I heard from a friend and fellow blogger who was in the event that there were tickets still available. So I went to the venue and approached the front door with my camera in tow. The officer at the door asked me who I was with. I said no one really, I'm a blogger. He then directed me to the press entrance. When I got to the press area I went through security, had my ID checked and was issued a White House Press Pass. I was in for about 20 minutes or so when something changed. Here is what happened next.

I suspect that someone on Biden's staff looked at my site and wanted me gone. They used a legitimate means of doing so. I am NOT saying they were wrong for removing me from the press area. They had every right to based on the press pass deadline. But they were letting the general public in the front door. What would have been the harm in me sitting in the audience? Instead they escorted me completely off of the property.


Thank You Again To The Secret Service Agents And St. Louis County Police Officers Who Were Just Doing Their Jobs! Following Orders. They were SUPER COOL TO ME despite the situation. Much Respect.


  1. Reminds me of the cop in VA who said, "This isn't America anymore!" when someone tried to hold a protest sign at a town hall meeting and was not allowed to.

  2. Welcome to Amerika. Kudos for you being so nice in such a sucky situation.

  3. Welcome to Obama's America. Dissent is no longer a form of patriotism.

  4. It's still at the polite stage . . .

  5. At some point the Praetorian Guard for the Tyrant is just as guilty, and just as in the way of justice, as the tyrant himself.

    I guess unlike a liberal, you were uninclined to act like a complete crybaby moron and make a huge scene. Too bad, they get all the good on-tape ass-whoopings to stir public emotions, we either just walk away quietly, or our ass-whoopings never make it to the public eye...

  6. I remember when people screamed about the injustice about people wearing anti-Bush T-shirts being kicked from Bush events.

  7. Dude. You run SiteMeter. Go check the logs and see if there were any hits between checkin and escortout. Fairly simple way to find out.

  8. So does this mean that anyone who has a blog is now considered press, and as such we can protect our sources?

  9. 2 things about that
    Hypocrisy? Oh YEAH!!!

  10. Pass this along to all who live in the 4Th district in St. Louis Missouri. On November 3 2009(special election) write in Rachel Storch's name don't forget to fill in circle or scanner will not count the write in. Carnahan's and Obama lover politicians would not let Rachel run to replace Jeff Smith for 4Th district. Joe Keaveny an Obama supporter was selected for the 4Th district Missouri State Senate seat. Rachel is a Hillary Clinton supporter and is at present a Representative of the Missouri State House 28Th district. Obama has been trying to get rid of Rachel since his election. No Republicans or other parties are running for this position in the 4Th district. Don't let them get away with this hand picked Obama lover. Write Rachel Storch's name in. Spread the word to all St. Louis blogs. Thank You

  11. Sorry - for the cop to follow this blatantly illegal "order" to run you off was abominable.

    I disagree with those who say "kudos for being nice" - "all that's required for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."

    Please do as suggested above: Dig into your site-meter and post the results of any hits during the relevant time period -- from the moment when you told them your blog name and the time you were asked to leave.

    No press-pass? FINE. Run him off the property? Oh HELL no!

  12. Dude, the first thing that you need to do is make your Sitemeter info private. Seriously. You will probably never get to see who came by, esp after the Instapundit link, but you should set up Google analytics too.

  13. Looks like VP Biden is playing the role of former VP Agnew. President Obama is assuming the paranoia world of former President Richard Nixon. Dirty tricks and Chicago mob politics has the makings of history repeating itself. Everybody remembers how Nixon left town!
