Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thanks Barry! US to Face Doctor Shortages Due to ObamaCare.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting:
Experts warn there won't be enough doctors to treat the millions of people newly insured under the law


  1. Nice way to spin this story, Adam. The fact is there was already a risk of shortages to begin with. You are a phenomenal spin doctor.


  2. Actually it's not a spin. True there were shortages to begin with, hold on and think for a minute or two...shortages already predicted, then add that shortage to 30 million NEWLY insured individuals, that kind of makes the shortage just a lil bit more important eh? My wife is from the UK, they've had shortages of doctors and nurses for decades, she has never seen the same doctor twice, she sees a nurse NOT an OBGYN...and why? because docs and nurses work longer hours with less pay...so the shortage will not get better, it will only worsen. but then again, you only see the "everyone is covered" part of this bill and not the 2000 pages of crap in it.

    Jeff Kuentzler

  3. Definitely no spin here. My neighbor is set to graduate medical school in the coming months. After all that education she is about 250k in debt and dreads what is coming down the pike for medicine in general and how it will hamper her ability to simply make a living in the field. What incentive is there now for young people to put themselves through the grueling hours of study, mountains of debt and sacrifices to family life necessary to make someone a good doctor? Oh, I forgot, socialists don't believe in incentive. My bad.

  4. Oh, I forgot, neo-conservatives only care about themselves. My bad. So essentially you all believe that the 32 million Americans just shouldn't be covered...period.

    And just so you are all aware...I actually know Mr. Sharp. Nice guy if you don't talk politics. : )


  5. -S
    Which is it? I'm a nice guy or I only care about myself?

    Ps. If you know me send me an Email so I know who you are.

  6. I like how pointing out that there will be a shortage of doctors makes all "neo-conservatives" selfish and unwilling to deal with those 32 million who are uninsured.
    The truth is, there's no such thing as a free lunch(or health care)-- somebody else always pays for it(taxpayers). So taking the entire US health care system and converting it to a Canadian-style system to cover these 32 million uninsured will compromise the quality of the health care the rest of the country receives. It will eventually lead to panels of beauracrats directly rationing health care services. Look into the countries that already do this, it's now happening here..

  7. yeah yeah yeah, i don't care about anyone but myself, blah blah blah, because my heart doesn't hurt each day because people are starving in this world, because people are dying all over the world, because people don't get health care, ( when anyone in America can walk in and be seen btw ), because my heart doesn't bleed for every sorry soul in this world i'm selfish...blah blah blah....i'm racist because i want people to work instead of collecting welfare, i'm likely to commit terrorist acts because i'm a veteran and i don't like my government having more and more power by the day...i'm a racist because i want immigrants to FOLLOW THE RULES and not sneak into the country...blah blah blah...wah wah wah...the name calling is gettin absurd by the day. So tell me why is it ok for you to lump all conservatives as racist selfish people and it's ok, yet anyone else that lumps a whole group of people together are stereotyping? or racist? or homophobes?

  8. @Anonymous moron - I happen to bust my ass every day to ensure my family has what it needs, and that includes health-care. You want what I have? Get a job. Or two or three.

    And yes, many of those millions you claim are uninsured get better coverage than what I have to PAY for. They simply show up at an ER, get treated, and never pay the bill, thereby putting the onus on health care providers to charge me and my insurance company more and more money to cover the deadbeats. As a result I have seen my own hard earned benefits shrink over the years.

    I find it impossible to sympathize with your stance when I have been paying more and more for your '32 million uninsured' lazy bums year after year and have had to take two part time jobs to maintain my own level of coverage. 32 million freeloaders don't impress me.
