Sunday, March 21, 2010

Candle Light Vigil Turns Into Funeral Procession.

The St Louis TEA Party held a vigil and symbolic funeral for the victims of Obamacare. The candle light prayer service was held at Russ Carnahan's office and the funeral procession made it's way to Russ's House where the coffin was placed on the sidewalk in front of his home. Symbolically laying responsibility for the lives that will be adversely effected at Russy boy's feet.

Video Coming Soon.


  1. I know where Claire McCaskill lives when it comes time to mourn the Americans thrown under the bus with her vote...

  2. "Be Nice!"? Really? You call a democratically elected official "Russy boy," depict the icon of your political opponents cheerfully committing suicide, and (...I'll stop there) yet admonish those choosing to comment on your blog to "be nice"? For shame. Civility begins on the home page, Mr. Sharp.

  3. Health Care Reform is now the law of the land.
    Deal with it.

    Barack Obama was elected President along with about 245 Democrats in the house and 59 in the Senate. Obama promised to reform health care and he has. Welcome to democracy.

    If you don't like it win the next election.

  4. Advice to Tea Party: All your taunts, actions, and symbolisms that reference death to HCR supporters just bring more grief upon yourself. You've revitalized the Democrat base and turned most Independents off to your cries of death to HCR. Funny thing is that you're the citizens who will most likely benefit from the law? Unbelievable Stupidity!

  5. Can someone explain how extending health care to millions more people and regulating profit hungry insurance companies is going to kill people? Im just curious.

  6. This is absolutely a pathetic "movement". I feel so bad for all of you who are so sorely misinformed on the new law-- it will likely HELP YOU!!!

  7. Cute picture of Obama bowing to the Burger King. Got any pics of George Bush kissing him on the lips, or holding hands with him on the White House lawn? Oh, right. I forgot. He only does that with the Saudi Arabian Prince, and that guy gets so jealous.

  8. post a picture of a Democrat symbol holding a gun to his head and you're asking people to "be nice"? Hypocrite much??!!

  9. Elections have consequences. Get over it.We survived eight years of the drooler.
